Here’s the cover for my new novel THE CODGER AND THE SPARROW from TCU Press. Release date is 3/22/2024 and it will be available in paperback and eBook everywhere you buy books. The front cover features a blurb from New York Times bestselling author Kevin Wilson. "Wondrous... told with such an abundance of both humor and tenderness.
I’d like to thank all of the authors who wrote blurbs and will also be featured on the back cover as well as inside of the book: Annie Hartnett, James Wade, Stacey Swann, Aaron Burch, Thomas H. McNeely, C. Matthew Smith, Johnnie Bernhard, Ran Walker, Philip Elliott, Brian Kindall, and Rick Treon! Thank you all for taking the time to read my new novel and write such wonderful things about it. My heart is full!
I’m so excited to be releasing this book into the world with a rambunctious story about an unusual friendship stretching across the generations, filled with humor and a bit of grace. I hope everyone falls in love with this special friendship between Hank the “codger” and Luis the “sparrow.” And thank y’all for reading all these words about my new book. It means a lot to me.
Read more about the book here: https://scottsemegran.com/books/the-codger-and-the-sparrow.html